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YACHTING MONTHLY MAGAZINE - Sailors urged to support Trash Tuesday to help fight against plastic pol

Cruisers around the world are being urged to join the Trash Tuesday initiative to try and tackle ocean pollution.

Catherine helps clean up the beach at Astypalea in the Cyclades, Greece. Credit: Nic Hodgson

Cruising couple Nic and Catherine Hodgson are encouraging fellow sailors to help do their bit in the fight against ocean plastic pollution and join them in their Trash Tuesday initiative.

The Cape Town couple, who cruise the Mediterranean during the summer seasons aboard their Fountaine Pajot Saba 50 "Lady Roslyn", began the campaign three years ago after they anchored near Russian Bay on Greece’s Poros Island.

‘We had dropped anchor and reversed into a cove with 2 lines ashore. While sitting looking at the shoreline we noticed a lot of plastic water bottles and other plastic trash washed among the rocks and onto the small beach,’ explained Nic.

The couple’s first Trash Tuesday was at Russian Bay in Greece’s Poros Island. Credit: Nic Hodgson

‘I wanted to make our experience better so I took one of our SUP’s and some plastic bin bags and picked up all the plastic trash I could find along the shoreline. After that experience, I could not stop seeing plastic trash when we anchored, so I decided to keep going and pick it up whenever we saw it.

’Since then the couple have cruised 75 Greek islands and the Turkish coast, collecting rubbish. They soon realised that while the crew of one yacht could make an immediate impact on the anchorage they were moored in, what they were doing was ‘completely insignificant in tackling the global plastic trash ‘tsunami’ flooding into the oceans right now.’

The couple after cleaning a rocky cove near Nea Kameni in Santorini. Credit: Nic Hodgson

Nic and Catherine decided to contact a cruising Facebook group Med Sailing to try and increase the impact of Trash Tuesday. The administrators of the group adopted the initiative and allowed the couple to post their clean-up efforts on a Tuesday.

Soon, other cruisers were doing the same, sharing their posts with #trashtuesday.

‘We have had a very positive reaction to some of our collections. I picked up 668 bottle caps along one beach in Northern Greece in July of 2019. We shared our “Trash Tuesday” post with the management of the hotel resort nearby and they have subsequently undertaken to send out regular patrols to clean this beach from now on.

‘When we returned to the same beach in September 2019 I am happy to say that the 4 kilometre long beach was almost pristine, so getting others involved has, in its small way already made a difference,’ explained Nic.

The couple have been cruising the Mediterranean in their Fountaine Pajot Saba 50 Lady Roslyn for the last three years, including Methoni in Greece. Credit: Nic Hodgson

The couple have now set up their own “Trash Tuesday” ocean plastic clean-up Facebook group.

Nic and Catherine are also encouraging charter companies to adopt the Trash Tuesday initiative.

‘If yacht manufacturers, charter companies, magazines such as Yachting Monthly and individuals join in by bringing competitions, treasure hunts, promotion of regular Facebook and Instagram posts and other innovative ideas to make “Trash Tuesday” fun and informative, we think that the sailing community could make a real impact in this ongoing battle,’ stressed Nic.

Nic used a stand-up paddleboard to transport the plastic trash back to Lady Roslyn. Credit: Catherine Hodgson

An interactive map detailing the Hodgson’s anchorages is hosted on their website – – although they are planning a dedicated website for Trash Tuesday in the future.

Sailors wanting to take part are encouraged to:

1. Pick up plastic trash any day of the week from the beaches and coves you visit.

2. Post pictures and exact location of the pick-up on a Tuesday to the Facebook Trash Tuesday Group

3. Get others to join in.

‘It’s a simple idea where the collective power of like-minded individuals can really make an impact in this ongoing battle against plastic trash,’ stated Nic.

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Interactive map

We believe that our interactive map below is the largest drone image database of anchorages and harbours in the world. While Navily and Noforeignland exist to help sailors, there is nowhere else that we have seen that offers sailors a bird's eye view of the areas they may wish to visit.

Click on the icons below to see details of the anchorages or stops we have made, as well as drone images of the anchorages, where possible. Hopefully this information might assist you should you decide to visit there.

As of 7 July 2022 there are now over 850 drone images taken at over 320 anchorages, harbours and marinas. Our 2022 images, details and tracks are being added daily.


To make viewing easier, you can now click on the square icon in the grey bar at top right of the map to toggle the tracks and anchorages on and off for different years and it allows you to remove all tracks with one click to make the anchorage icons easier to see.


About us
Fontaine Pajot Saba 50 "Lady Roslyn"

We are Nic and Catherine Hodgson from Cape Town, South Africa. Since November 2015 we have been commuting between Cape Town and LADY ROSLYN, spending summers cruising and exploring the Mediterranean Sea.


In the future we hope to make an Atlantic crossing, with time in the Caribbean and with luck, we'll spend a season or two in the Pacific.


Along the way, we have loved that family and friends have joined us.


We are taking it slowly and enjoying life one trip at a time.

"We travel not to escape life,

but for life not to escape us"


Fountaine Pajot SABA 50 Catamaran  



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Catamaran LadyRoslyn

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