A short article published about Lady Roslyn in the latest edition #150 of Multihulls World Magazine. If you are looking to buy a catamaran or just interested in multihulls this is THE magazine to subscribe to. I love having the printed copies on my bookshelf to page through, but I also have the Digital Editions loaded as pdf's on my tablet for easy reference when on-board Lady Roslyn.
Jean-Christophe Guillaumin, the Editor, who we met at the Cannes and La Rochelle Boat Shows in September 2015 is one of the nicest and most helpful people you could meet. He is passionate about sailing and multihulls in particular and has a wealth of knowledge about all the multihull manufacturers out there. He was a really valuable sounding board for us to chat to when narrowing down our choice of which yacht would be best for us.